
I COngreso Filosofía y Derecho "Neutralidad y Teoría del Derecho": 20, 21 y 22 de mayo de 2010, Girona

(Extraído de Marcial Pons Ediciones)

Congreso Neutralidad y teoría del derecho
Hace 5 años, iniciamos con mucha ilusión un proyecto editorial con grandes pretensiones de calidad y modestas pretensiones de difusión: se trataba de poner en marcha una colección de libros en el ámbito de la filosofía del derecho, acogiendo tanto traducciones que pusieran al alcance del lector de lengua española importantes libros de otras culturas jurídicas, como monografías originales. Cinco años después, los resultados han desbordado todas las previsiones en cuanto a la difusión y creemos, honestamente, que han aportado un granito de arena al debate iusfilosófico.

Hoy, la colección cuenta con más de treinta volúmenes publicados y 18 en preparación. Por ello, la editorial Marcial Pons y los grupos de investigación de filosofía del derecho de la Universidad de Girona y de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (a los que pertenecen los directores de la colección,
Jordi Ferrer y José Juan Moreso), estamos organizando un congreso internacional conmemorativo de los primeros 50 volúmenes de la colección, que se realizará los días 20, 21 y 22 de mayo de 2010 en la ciudad de Girona (España).

Pretendemos que el congreso sea un lugar de encuentro de autores y lectores de nuestros libros. Por ello, 12 de los autores de la colección serán los ponentes del evento:
Dr. Robert Alexy, Dr. Juan C. Bayón, Dr. Brian Bix, Dr. Eugenio Bulygin, Dr. Bruno Celano, Dr. Jules L. Coleman, Dr. Riccardo Guastini, Dr. Brian Leiter, Dr. Jorge Luis Rodríguez, Dr. Frederick Schauer, Dr. Scott J. Shapiro, Dr. Wilfrid J. Waluchow. Y hemos elegido el tema Neutralidad y teoría del derecho como eje vertebrador de las ponencias por ser, también, uno de los aspectos más a menudo abordados, directa o indirectamente, en los libros de la colección.

Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer un evento de primera magnitud en el debate iusfilosófico internacional que sirva de encuentro de distintas tradiciones jurídicas, dirigido especialmente a la comunidad hispano-americana.

Jueves 20
Registro y entrega de material
Dr. Juan Carlos BayónThe Province of Jurisprudence UnderdeterminedUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)
Coffee break
Dr. Frederick SchauerDistinguishing the Essential from the Important in Explaining the Nature of LawUniversity of Virginia (Estados Unidos)
Dr. Brian BixIdeals, Concepts and Practices in Legal TheoryUniversity of Minnesota (Estados Unidos)
Coffee break
Dr. Eugenio BulyginAlexy on Legal PositivismUniversidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Viernes 21
Dr. Jules ColemanThe Difference Law MakesYale University (Estados Unidos)
Coffee break
Dr. Jorge RodríguezLaw and Neutrality: The Self-Destruction of Normative PositivismUniversidad de Mar del Plata (Argentina)
Dr. Riccardo GuastiniDescription and Evaluation in the Theory of Legal InterpretationUniversità degli studi di Genova (Italia)
Coffee break
Dr. Brian LeiterThe Demarcation Problem in Jurisprudence: A New Case for SkepticismUniversity of Chicago (Estados Unidos)
Sábado 22
Dr. Bruno CelanoPublic Reason and the Rule of Law: The Grounds of Inclusive Ethical PositivismUniversità degli studi di Palermo (Italia)
Coffee break
Dr. Scott ShapiroWhat is law (and why should we care)?Yale University (Estados Unidos)
Dr. Wilfrid WaluchowIn Praise of Descriptive-Explanatory Legal TheoryMcMaster University (Canadá)
Coffee break
Dr. Robert AlexyThe Dual Nature of LawChristian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Alemania)
El idioma del Congreso será el inglés y habrá traducción simultánea inglés-castellano

Mayor informes:

Diaporein recomienda.

24th IVR World Congress: Global Harmony and Rule of Law

September 15-20, 2009

Beijing, China

The deadline for registration online is August 15, 2009. Please register before that date so that we could include your information in the Congress documents.

1. Brief Introduction
XXIV World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy will be held in Beijing on September 15-20, 2009. The main theme of the 24th IVR World Congress is "global harmony and rule of law". The concept of harmony has figured prominently in both eastern and western philosophical traditions, and can be interpreted to describe the developmental goals of many societies. Unlike the more often invoked concept of "globalization", "global harmony" captures many of our shared ideals concerning the relationships among countries, cultures, and legal systems, as well as between human kind and nature.By proposing to examine the role of the rule of law in promoting global harmony, the hosts of the 24th IVR World Congress hope not only to give greater voice to traditions and contemporary thinking in non-western cultures, but also to suggest new dimensions of collaboration among eastern and western scholars.

Although we particularly welcome papers related to the above main theme for the plenary sessions and special workshops, a majority of workshops and working groups will be formed to provide forum for discussion concerning other crucial topics in legal theory and social philosophy. We recognize that methodological inquiries and sustained discussion of standard scholarly topics are important to philosophical progress, and suggest the above theme only to expand, not to supplant, the usual scope of discussion in legal and social philosophy. (see suggested topics for workshops and working groups)

Besides Plenary Sessions, we will arrange Special Workshops and Working Groups similar to IVR congresses in th past. We hereby extend our invitation to IVR members in every country to submit proposals for Special Workshops. Following previous format for Special Workshops, we will apply the following criteria in reviewing proposals for acceptance:** The proposal should contain at the minimum some background relating to the proposed topic, including, for example, whether previous workshops have been held on the same topic (and by whom they were organized); **The proposal should also state which other scholars the person making the proposal intends to invite to participate in the workshop; **The person making the proposal must be prepared to act as a coordinator for the workshop; as the coordinator, he or she must be able to procure high-quality contributions on the workshop topic, supervise the exchange of draft papers for comments among participants prior to the workshop, and otherwise ensure the quality of the workshop papers and discussion. Please send your proposal for special workshops and papers to both the following two persons:
Prof. Zhang Qi:
Mr. Gu Zhaomin: papers@chinalawsociety.com

. Call for Papers
We hereby extend our invitation to scholars and experts in jurisdiction to submit papers for the Special Workshops and Working Groups.

The deadline for sending the abstracts of papers in English is June 15, 2009. Each abstract is proposed to have about 800 to 1,000 English words, which will be translated and printed in both Chinese and English as Congress documents. The deadline for submitting full papers in English is July 15, 2009.

All abstracts and papers for the Special Workshops and Working Groups will be published on the Congress website at
www.ivr2009.com so that more time could be devoted to discussions rather than presentation at the Congress sessions of Special Workshops and Working Groups. If you disagree to publish your abstract and/or full paper on the website, please clarify this point when you make your submission.

The Congress language is English and Chinese. Simultaneous interpretation between Chinese and English will be provided for the plenary sessions.

Please send your papers and abstracts to the above-mentioned two persons of Prof. Zhang and Mr. Gu.

3. Confirmed Speakers for the Plenary Sessions
1). Rights in the World Order
Prof. Joseph Raz
University of Columbia, U.S.A.

2). The Dual Nature of Law
Prof. Robert Alexy
Kiel University, Germany

3). Diversity, Democracy, and Dialogue in a Human Rights Framework
Prof. Carol Gould
Temple University, U.S.A.

4). Globalization and Cultural Prosperity
Prof. Morimura Susumu
Hitotsubashi University, Japan

5). The Early Chinese Legal Thought
Prof. Chang Wejen
Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica, Taiwan,China

6). The Function of Law in Building a Harmonious Society
Prof. Xin Chunying
Deputy Chairman of Legal Affairs Committee of National People's Congress, China
Research Fellow of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

7). Prof. Upendra Baxi
University of Warwick, UK

8). Rethinking the Philosophy of Law in the Beginning of the 21st Century
Prof. Ioanna Kucuradi
Maltepe University, Turkey

9). Judges and the Creation of Global Law
Mr. Antoine Garapon
Secretary- General of the Institute of High Studies on Justice of France

10). Cultural Diversity, Intercivilizational Dialogue, and Harmony: A Confucian Perspective
Prof. TU Weiming
Harvard University and Peking University

11). The Rule of Law as the Rule of Reasons
Ms. Mathilde Cohen
Columbia University, U.S.A.
2009 IVR Young Scholar Prize Winner

4. Secretariat of Congress
Please visit the website regularly for the latest news and updates.
Contact the Secretariat of Congress by the following details: Mr. Gu Zhaomin, Director-General / Mr. Yin Baohu, Deputy Director-General Overseas Liaison Department, China Law SocietyNo.63, Bing Ma Si Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100034, P.R.ChinaTel/Fax: 8610-66510410Email: