
Logos Conference on Meta-Metaphysics - Call for papers

(Enviado por Dan López de Sa)

Barcelona, 19-21 June 2008

Second Call for Papers

Do numbers, sets, and other abstract entities, exist? Does mereological composition ever occur? Does it always occur? How do objects persist through time? In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the status of certain traditional debates in metaphysics such as these. Some think that some of these turn out to be genuine disputes but of a semantic or conceptual character. Some think that some of these turn out to be pseudo-disputes that should be just dismissed. (Some others think, of course, that the disputes are indeed genuine, but not of a semantic or conceptual character.) Reflection of these issues promises to shed light on the nature of philosophical inquiry in general.

LOGOS—Grup de Recerca en Lògica, Llenguatge i Cognició is organizing a conference on meta-metaphysics. Invited and submitted papers will be made available to participants one month before the conference. Participants are expected to read them in advance, as there will be no presentation of them during the conference. Sessions will start with a critical commentary (lasting 20 minutes at most), followed by a response by the author(s) (lasting 10 minutes at most) and a general open discussion period.

Proposals to participate as a speaker and/or as a commentator should be sent by e-mail to logos@pcb.ub.es by 1 April 2008. Full papers in suitable form for blind refereeing should be submitted in order to participate as a speaker, and a short CV is to be supplied as to participate as a commentator. We expect to notify accepted proposals within four weeks of the deadline.

Participants other than invited speakers will have to rely on their own institutions to defray the cost of travel and accommodation.

Invited Speakers:
John Hawthorne (Oxford)
Amie Thomasson (Miami)
Timothy Williamson (Oxford)
Stephen Yablo (MIT)

Organizing Committee:
Manuel García-Carpintero (LOGOS)
Dan López de Sa (LOGOS/Arché)
Pablo Rychter (LOGOS)

Scientific Committee:
Fabrice Correia (eidos/LOGOS)
Manuel García-Carpintero (LOGOS)
John Hawthorne (Oxford)
Max Kölbel (LOGOS)
Dan López de Sa (LOGOS/Arché)
Sven Rosenkranz (LOGOS/Arché)
Pablo Rychter (LOGOS)
Amie Thomasson (Miami)
Gabriel Uzquiano (Oxford/LOGOS)
Timothy Williamson (Oxford)
Stephen Yablo (MIT)

Further information:


Los profesores Yablo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology – M.I.T.), Beaney (University of York) y Khlentzos (University of New England) llegan a Lima invitados por el Comité Directivo del Círculo Diaporein con el propósito de participar en la tercera versión de su Seminario Internacional de Epistemología. Evento que organiza periódicamente cumpliendo, desde el 2002, con sus objetivos de difusión y crítica de la Filosofía Analítica.

Las reuniones están programadas para los días 14 y 15 de agosto y el lugar será la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Es patrocinado por la Jefatura de la Oficina de Protocolo y la Dirección del Instituto de Investigaciones del Pensamiento Peruano y Latinoamericano de la misma universidad.

También participará en este Seminario el profesor Agustín Rayo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology – M.I.T.), quien llega para participar en el I Coloquio Peruano de Filsofoía Analítica que organiza el Departamento de Filosofía de la UNMSM.

Los dos primeros Seminarios se realizaron en junio del 2006, con James Cargile (Universidad de Virginia) y Jorge Secada (Universidad de Virginia).

Ha prepararse¡